Ollie & Quentin Book

Ollie & Quentin Book
125 pages in full colour!

Monday, March 03, 2008

My Head Hurts

Oh boy! I have spent the last five hours compiling a list of which strips my UK newspaper clients have not already seen. Since handing everything over to King Features I hadn't really given much thought to the fact that a lot of the strips currently being shown in the US are ones the UK have seen already. So when UK newspapers are getting the current strips from Kings they are finding they've been seen some of them before. Really embarrassed to hear that readers have noticed a couple of reruns (but secretly delighted they remember them).

Changing the subject completely. I read on the fantastic Daily Cartoonist website that someone has posted the following which I wholeheartedly agree with:
"...the comics are an easy target for cutting costs. Yet you’ll notice that nothing shuts down the blasted horoscope column. This is not the 1960s-70’s. Nobody has asked me what my sign was in thirty or more years (thankfully). It is not even religion, it is pure bunkum, yet papers will waste time on horoscopes which nobody I know ever bothers to read, except occasionally to ridicule."

Well said.

Oh, and a dentist in Washington, Pennsylvania sent me a nice letter asking if he could have the original of the above strip.


arcticcircle said...

Have or buy? I hope you charged him!

Piers Baker said...

Er...free. Yeah, I know, I know. I did think about this though. The dentist will be displaying it in his waiting room so it's a tiny bit of free publicity. Another request came from a teacher at a High School who supports and encourages the art of cartooning at the school. He will be sharing the artwork with the students, so again, helping to spread the word.
Both letters took a month to get to me. I hated the idea that they thought I'd ignored them so some free artwork that would otherwise sit in a stuffed drawer seemed a little price to pay.