Ollie & Quentin Book

Ollie & Quentin Book
125 pages in full colour!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Cow Attacks

The world is definitely getting madder. There have been a spate of cow attacks here in the UK, usually on people walking their dogs too near cows with young calves. This reminds me of a story my mum told me when she was walking her little fat pug in a field of cows last year. The cows got spooked by little plump Otto and chased after him. Trouble is he has a habit of fainting when exerted and promptly keeled over in mid stampede. My mum had to scoop him up and run out of the field with him slung over her back like one of those soft animal backpacks kids buy.


Anne Hambrock said...

I grew up with pugs-I can completely visualize this :-)
Once, while out on a country road in my father's pet antique automobile ( a 1932 Dodge), the car broke down. We wandered about and played with the current family pug and suddenly Dad got the car going. Not only was it going, it was moving, and we all had to run for it. Pugs - not the world's best running dog - we had to scoop her up and literally toss her into the moving car. I'll never forget it :-)

Piers Baker said...

HeeHee... My mum will love this story.

Janine Pineo said...

I'm laughing so hard I've got tears in my eyes ... oh, to have been a observer from afar.